Membership Privileges

  • This congregation functions not as a democracy, to be run by the will of its members or rule of the people. Instead, it is a spiritual body under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ and the direction of the pastor as the under-shepherd with the counsel of deacons, elders and trustees. Determinations of the internal affairs of this church are ecclesiastical matters and shall be determined exclusively by the church’s own rules and procedures. The pastor, deacons, elders, and trustees shall oversee and/or conduct all aspects of this church. The deacons, elders, and trustees shall give counsel and assistance to the pastor as requested or needed by him.
  • Members are encouraged to take advantage of the following privileges: attend church services to learn doctrine and participate in our Lords' Supper worship services. Members are encouraged to take advantage of Christian fellowship and group prayer, both inside and outside the church house. Members may also take advantage of the many evangelistic outreaches of the church.
  • Members are granted use of the facilities of Pilgrim Baptist Church under the direction of responsible church leaders and/or the pastor, deacons, elders, or trustees. Pilgrim members may use the property for dinners, weddings, parties, celebrations, fellowships, etc.

    Example: if a member decides to host a couple’s dinner, it would not be proper to invite some couples, and exclude others.

    Another example: if a member wants to host a birthday party, it would not be proper to invite some children, and exclude others. It is expected that any member using the church-house will properly clean up when their activity is complete.
  • Membership in this church does not afford the members with any property, contractual, or civil rights based on principles of democratic government. Although the general public is invited to all the church’s worship services, the church property remains private property. The pastor, deacons, elders, and trustees have the authority to suspend or revoke the right of any person, including a member, to enter or remain on church property. If after being notified of such a suspension or revocation, the person enters or remains on church property, the person may, in the discretion of the pastor, be treated as a trespasser.
  • A member may inspect the prepared annual financial statement of the church upon verbal request. Information involving privacy interests such as, but not limited to, donor records, individual benevolence, individual salaries, health information, background checks, & social security numbers, are exempt from this provision & are not subject to inspection without a court order. Members may not copy or take digital images or records of any ministry record without authorization from the pastor. Members agree that information obtained from any inspection of records will be kept in strict confidence. 
  • All members may bring matters of concern before the Pastor. The pastor will then bring the matter before the Lord in prayer and seek the advice and support of the deacons or any member who may be able to help with the matter, according to proper Biblical principles.
  • Each member of the body of Christ has spiritual gift(s) given them by the Holy Spirit. For this reason, the Pastor or deacons may ask for a member’s insight on an issue, matter of concern, or advice concerning a church-related matter.

    Because each situation is different and because each member has different strengths, weaknesses, and spiritual gifts, it’s reasonable to expect the pastor and deacons to glean insight from different members on a case-by-case basis. When asked for insight, the member is expected to prayerfully bring it before the Lord and assist the pastor or deacon(s) as much as the Lord allows.
  • Each member is expected to pray for their church family and its ministries.

Affiliated Co-Laborer.

Those desiring fellowship, accountability and opportunities for service with this church on a temporary basis but who maintain membership in a like body of believers outside this locality may be granted affiliated co-laborer status with this church. The affiliated co-laborer may be eligible to serve in certain capacities determined by the pastor and may attend member fellowship events. This affiliation does not, however, grant membership or the rights of membership to the individual(s) so affiliated. Affiliated co-laborers shall not be entitled to hold any office, or have any say in church matters. A person wishing to become an affiliated co-laborer with this church must make a request to the pastor, who will determine if affiliated co-laborer status should be granted to the individual. If the pastor so determines, the person may be granted co-laborer status.