October 7-10, 2024.
Pilgrim Baptist Church stands to call families back to simple, Christ-centered, expository Bible preaching. Revival MUST start in the hearts of individual Christians, and they MUST start getting serious about spiritual things.
Sadly, we are in the midst of a spiritual epidemic. Many modern churches have purposely moved away from teaching families the Bible and subsequently how to live a holy life separated unto God. They now offer families entertainment.
Now, more than ever, it has been increasingly difficult for conservative Christians to find a solid bible-preaching church. There are few churches left that will preach against sin. Pilgrim Baptist is one of those churches. We are NOT an entertainment center. We are the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth.
With that said: Please allow this letter to serve as an invitation to visit us!
And please take the time to read and understand the 4 dangers Christians face when they sit under "felt needs" preaching.
Unfortunately, expository "verse-by-verse" Bible preaching has been replaced with "felt-needs preaching". Felt-needs preaching is a man-centered philosophy that causes many pastors to develop sermons designed to reach people's "felt-needs".
Problem #1:
No preacher on the face of this earth can truly discern what you really need. ONLY God intimately knows your needs.
Expository preaching is the solution:
It relies on the Word of God to meet your known and unknown needs. The Word of God is able to discern your heart, convict your heart, and ultimately help your family LOVE GOD more! It's vitally important that you and your family are in a church that teaches verse-by-verse from the Bible. Because if not, all of your NEEDS are not getting met and your family will suffer spiritually because of this.
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Problem #2:
Felt-needs preaching is "band-aid" preaching. It never really gets to the heart of the matter. Do you really think your family needs another sermon on "10 Tips to a Better YOU"? You don't need that type of "band-aid" preaching. It has deceived a LOT of families. It makes you feel good, but leaves you empty spiritually. The appeal to people's carnal 'wants' is why the health, wealth and prosperity preachers get rich.
Expository preaching is the solution:
It is "heart-transplant" preaching, NOT "band-aid" preaching. More than ever, families need to have their hearts compelled to fall in love with Christ! He is the author of the greatest LOVE story man has ever known: the Holy Bible! Expository preaching magnifies the Word of God so people leave the church-house more in love with the author of THE BOOK!
Psalms 119:161 ...but my heart standeth in awe of thy word.
Hebrews 4:12 ...word of God is...a discerner of the thoughts & intents of the heart.
Problem #3:
"Felt-needs" preaching becomes more about stories, jokes and inspirational quotes. Families who sit under this type of preaching are sugar-fed their whole life and end up with a heart full of spiritual cavities.
Expository preaching is the solution:
Verse-by-verse Bible teaching helps you and your family see how much better the word of God is. God's Word is so much superior to any man-made story. Expository preaching primarily focuses on magnifying the word of God. As a result, you learn more Bible in 6 months than most people get in 6 years at a mega-church entertainment center.
Psalms 138:2
I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
Problem #4:
"Felt-needs" preaching is centered around YOU, which is why a multitude of preachers spend all week preparing "Mr. Fix-It Sermons"! This type of preaching makes you the Hero in every sermon!
Expository preaching is the solution:
It is focused on Christ and His Word. Jesus Christ is the hero in every sermon. As a result, family problems start to resolve themselves over time. There is not one "Mr. Fix-It Sermon" out there that will immediately solve all your problems. You must decide to be committed to studying the Word of God, rather than on finding a quick-fix for your problems. This shift in thinking will cause you to want to dig in the Word, rather than be sugar-fed a 20-minute pep talk, disguised as a sermon.
Finally, consider these 3 things regarding expository preaching:
1 Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;
but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
As the founding Pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church, I'd like to personally welcome you to visit one of our church services.
Our small Christian fellowship is interested in getting to meet you. We all come from different backgrounds and have different personalities. However, what bonds us together as brothers and sisters is the shed blood of Jesus Christ and the salvation He's provided us.
If you or your family are looking for a good Bible-Believing Church, I believe it will be worth your time to visit us.
A blog that offers daily devotions, bible lessons and thoughts about
the holy scriptures and the Christian life.
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170 4th Ave. Cookeville, TN 38506