Church Membership.

Qualifications for Church Membership.
The church is a spiritual organism. The only way to be a member of it is through the spiritual new birth. The new birth occurs when someone repents and trust the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. At that moment, they are baptized by the Holy Spirit and placed into the Christ’s body, which is His church. It would be impossible for any local church to accept anyone into membership who hasn’t experienced the new birth.

1 Corinthians 12 & Ephesians 4 make it clear that all born again Christians are members of the body of Christ, which is called THE CHURCH. Subsequently, these members then gather themselves together in LOCAL churches

Therefore, those seeking membership must:

  • Be willing to gather with the saints by faithfully attending our worship services.
  • Through their own personal testimony, evidence a genuine experience of regeneration through faith in and acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior.
  • They must affirm that their testimony of salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone and in Christ alone. They must affirm they are NOT trusting in their good deeds, water baptism, a denomination, former church membership, or any other man-centered works for the salvation of their soul.
  • Be interviewed by the pastor, and/or church leaders to confirm that their testimony of salvation is in line with a biblical understanding of the following terms: the gospel, grace, faith, belief, repentance, and salvation. (1 Cor 15:1-4, Titus 3:4-7, Eph 2:8-9, Romans 4:3-5, Acts 16:30-31, Acts 20:21, 2 Cor 7:10) Although their salvation is ultimately between them & the Lord, this step does help to protect against a possible false-conversion.

During this interview they will be asked if they’ve been scripturally baptized by immersion, in water, publicly testifying and identifying themselves with the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.

  • If NO: this would not exclude someone from being a member, because all saved individuals are members of Christ’s body, which is His church. However, the biblical importance of water baptism will be discussed with them, including how every believer in the book of Acts were all baptized in water, by immersion. They will be given the opportunity to be water baptized IF they fully understand and desire to do so. The pastor will schedule the baptism as quickly as possible.
  • If YES: they will be asked to give their testimony of having been baptized by immersion. A letter, or other written statement that they have been baptized by immersion would also be accepted as testimony, but not required.

    Please note
    : A Campbellite (Church of Christ) baptism will not be accepted because of the false belief that water baptism is a necessary step in salvation. Because water baptism plays no part in your entrance into heaven or your souls' salvation, the CoC baptism may not be accepted. They must be scripturally re-baptized just like a newly saved Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian or any other group that holds to the false belief of infant baptism or that baptism by immersion in water saves.

    Upon completion of the interview:
    Male members may set up a time with the pastor to give their testimony of salvation publicly, from the pulpit. This is not required, but it is offered to those who desire to do so.

    To protect against women teaching in a mixed congregation of men and women, which would be a violation of (1 Tim 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence,) women may not give their testimony from the pulpit. Instead, they will be given an opportunity to meet with the women of the church to give their testimony. This is not required, but it is offered to those women who desire to do so.

    Membership will then be granted upon the recommendation of the pastor and their name will be put on the church’s membership role. This local church membership role will contain the names, addresses, cell phone numbers & emails of those who are members of Pilgrim Baptist.

    Those seeking membership must understand:

    It is their responsible to understand what Pilgrim Baptist Church believes doctrinal. For this reason, those seeking membership are expected to review the church's doctrinal statement of faith and additional scriptural beliefs, which are made publicly available at the church’s website.

    Please understand: There may be some seeking membership who either haven’t been taught, or do not fully understand some of our doctrinal positions or scriptural beliefs.

    For example: the Bible version issue or our end-times Bible prophesy beliefs may be something that causes a disagreement or a misunderstanding.

    Another example: someone who has never been taught how to witness to the lost or how to live a holy, separated life unto Christ.

    Whatever the reason may be, for someone not agreeing a doctrinal belief, they are still welcomed and encouraged to attend and be an official member, under the following conditions:

    They agree:
  • NOT to use their disagreement as platform to sow discord among the brethren.
  • NOT to teach against the doctrines we believe and value.
  • NOT to attempt to draw away current members to their own beliefs to split the church.

They are encouraged and welcome to:

  • Rejoice in the things they agree with.
  • Stay, learn, and grow in grace and charity!
  • Honestly and sincerely ask and/or talk about matters of doctrines they seek to better understand with the pastor or other church leaders. 

    Please note: Having private meetings or sending secret text messages or emails that attempt to introduce or teach something against our doctrinal beliefs would NOT be considered honest or sincere.