Church Leadership

A member may seek to serve in a position of leadership at Pilgrim Baptist Church.

A leader would include song leaders, Sunday School teachers, men who would lead the Lords Supper, prayer meetings, nursing home ministry, jail ministry, or any other type of ministry through the church.

Those members seeking Leadership MUST:

  • Be a church member, who is 18 years of age or older and actively involved in the church’s evangelistic efforts, and who is living for Christ with a godly testimony.
  • Be scripturally water baptized, by immersion. (Acts 2:41)
    (If a member cannot obey the Lord in believers’ baptism, it would be unreasonable to expect them to obey the Lord in matters of leadership.)
  • Be in 100% complete agreement with the church’s doctrinal and life and family beliefs.
  • Faithfully & cheerfully give of their finances. (1 Cor 16:2; 2 Cor 9:7)
  • Must NOT be a member of a secret society, including, but not limited to “Freemasonry”, or "Shriners International".
  • Must faithfully attend all church services for at least 6 months, and then continue do so as an active leader.
    (If someone cannot be faithful to attending church services, it would be unreasonable and irresponsible to expect them to faithfully attend to leading others.)

    Please note: members experiencing sickness, recovery time from surgery, job related absentee, family emergencies or any other reasonable excuse to not be at the church-house is completely understandable. None of those things would define someone as unfaithful. Instead, it would define them as faithful to taking care of the matters at hand.
  • Be willing to attend leadership meetings with the pastor and offer insight on an as needed basis, pertaining to matters of the church.

    Please note: All church members may participate & serve in any appropriate ministry without reserve. However, they would not be eligible to lead any of them.